Improving Focus with Piano Lessons

Piano lessons are a great way to improve your focus and expand your attention span.

We all feel the world speeding up, making it more difficult to focus on one thing, to concentrate without getting distracted. We can feel our attention spans getting shorter and shorter.

But as focus gets more difficult, and attention spans get shorter, there is an opportunity.

Problems are solved by those who can focus. Problem solving requires concentration, a long attention span and a willingness to chip away at the problem until it’s solved.

How can piano lessons build focus and attention span?

  • Isolate you from distractions such as TV and social media

  • Present physical and mental sticking points that are overcome through focused problem-solving

  • Actively involve your body and mind and build hand-eye coordination

  • Require your brain to learn new material and put it to use immediately

  • Encourage your brain to slow down and be mindful of your physical motions and tactile response


Whether you’re an adult looking to pick up a hobby, or a parent looking for healthy activities for your children, consider piano lessons. Improved focus, concentration and a longer attention span are just a few of the side benefits of piano lessons.

For more information, email us at


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